Adult Ministry

Our goal is to help you identify your next step to grow as a disciple of Jesus Christ who will love God, love others and serve the world.

Our church has many different opportunities for small groups and bible studies for adults throughout the week.  If you have any questions or would like to start a small group of your own, please reach out to Pastor Jannette!

Small Groups

We offer several small group opportunities, outside of our men's and women's ministries. If you would like more details about existing small groups or would like to start your own small group, please contact Pastor Jannette for further details!

Men's Ministry

Empowering men to grow spiritually, personally, and professionally, our Men’s Ministry offers gatherings that focus on prayer, Bible study, and the challenges of the Christian life. Men’s Ministry will also coordinate local and beyond mission opportunities.The Mens’ Ministry meets on the last Saturday of each month, at 8:30AM.

Women's Ministry

China Spring United Methodist Church Women’s ministry is creating an environment that helps build lasting friendships and godly hearts, the Women’s Ministry at China Spring United Methodist Church encourages women in their relationship with God and each other. Our Women's Ministry currently meets on Tuesdays at 9AM.

Bible Study

Every Sunday morning from 9:45AM to 10:45AM our Sunday Morning Bible Study meets for a lesson and discussion. Everyone is welcome!If you don’t have a Bible, we have extras you can use both at the church and at home. Please let us know if you have any questions about our upcoming studies or our class in general.